Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Oprah's 9/11 special from New York City

Did you see it? So powerful, so moving. She interviews the children of September 11th. First the children of the WTC disaster, then the children from the other disasters, the plane hijack and the Pentagon incident. Very moving episode.

As far as terrorism is concerned, for many Americans especially poor, carless Americans in cities, there is much, much more to fear in our own neighborhoods, then from terrorists and I had the same thought back on 9/11/01.

Here in Baltimore it seems like everyone knew someone killed on that day. I guess that would be largely true  for many East Coasters. Most of us knew someone that knew someone who died.

Has your life changed since 9/11/01? Mine hasn't changed much at all. I was scared before and I'm scared now and that has nothing to do with outside threats.

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