Saturday, December 21, 2013

"Millionaire Matchmaker"

One day last week they ran like 5 hours in a row of this show.  Wow, this is incredibly entertaining and highly controversial.

I also imagine Patty calling me names and telling me to get lost.  I would never in a million years take her instructions to change my hair, lose weight, or wear better clothes.  But what does it matter?  She said she doesn't do business with overweights or women over 45!

What a hypocrite.  Her male millionaires are sometimes overweight, often not good looking AND over 45.  Nonetheless, she does teach the millionaires some important skills for example like trying to learn about the women instead of just talking about yourself.

I'd say 98% of the folks I meet male or female talk only of themselves and ask me no questions.  Those are people that I would never seek out as a friend.

I was very moved when patty searched for her birthmother and it is sad that she died; but very neato that she was given a piece of jewelry that her mother owned..........................pattie does have a soft side too.

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