Thursday, February 12, 2015

never seen the movie Dirty Dancing?

I j.ust caught the last hour of the movie Dirty Dancing on cable TV. I was absolutely shocked none of this looks familiar. Is it really possible that I have never seen this movie from beginning to end?

So many parallels to my own life. In the beginning the family wanted baby to conform and go to Harvard and find a man who is college educated. She felt that she could do nothing right. I remember my own father giving me the silent treatment. Nothing I ever did was good enough for my parents.

When I sing and dance in the musical Hair I also danced in the aisles that was part of the show. My parents were in the audience but at the end of the show they didn't stay to congratulate me or give me flowers. They just left they never told me that I did a good job or that they enjoyed it or anything.

I look I used to look so much like they be back in the eighties same build same hAir.

It was so poignant this movie was so poignant and so amazing the dancing was so beautiful. I could not help but wonder whether baby and Patrick Swayze actually dated when they were not doing the movie. The sexual chemistry was just completely over the top. WOw

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