Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Favorite Quotes"

I was listening to an NPR show where they were discussing mistakes that government officials had made that deeply hurt citizens lives. For example the mistakes made during Katrina when it took Bush so long to get down there but even then all he did was fly over.

Another mistake was where this guy was put in solitary confinement for 9 months and it was later discoverd that he didn't commit the crime.

Anyhow, the quote, more or less was "A badge does not necessarily confer omniscience."


Sandra Wilkes said...

The quote is right. A teacher in Atlanta go fired for whistle blowing on cheating. It later came to light anyway and the schools are all on probation. Should have listened to her and not assume the "badges" are always right.

heart rumbles said...

I've been trying to follow you when I can get on here. Not enough time to read all that I want. I hope you are doing better.