Friday, September 9, 2011

"USA Today Survey on Americans and drug use"

Today's article states that almost 1 out 10 Americans between 18 and 25 admit to using illegal drugs on a regular basis. Meth use is down, according to the article and pot use is up. I know medical marijuana just became legal in my state.

If one lives in federal housing it is stated in the lease they are not allowed to use or possess any illegal drugs, however, I'm not sure where that leaves folks who have a legal medical marijuana card.

I'm always grateful to see fibromyalgia get more publicity. The only person surveyed in the article who had the courage to use her first andlast name is using pot for pain and daily nausea. I personally am is excruc. pain 85% of the day, and I also am nauceous every day like the girl in the article. I do not yet have the med. marijuana card in part because you have to pay a hefty sum for it, it is not covered by Medicare.

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