Wednesday, October 3, 2007

"Mostly homebound"

You can probably imagine what it is doing to my psyche to realize that everytime I leave my apt. on a weekday before 6 p.m. I will probably be burglarized. And even though I have most valuables out of the apt., it is still traumatizing to be robbed no matter what they steal. They've taken all but one fork, one knife, and one spoon. I had to buy another cooking spoon to replace the one they stole, and now they have stolen that too. So creepy.

My friend Diane has encouraged me to buy one of the braces that you can use to secure your door when you are in your home. I hope to order that within the next few days. At least that alleviates some of my fear.

In the meantime, I run housing ads daily and conducted two interviews last week. 

Watching Ellen and Oprah are pretty much my only breaks from reality. Went to a Jewish singles event mainly to see Arlene. That was about 2 or 3 weeks ago, and it felt so foreign to laugh and feel so free. We played a board game called "taboo" which was really fun with the exception of one very drunk guy's presence!

Today was payday so I have a little more energy than usual....................

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