Thursday, May 22, 2008

"Conditions getting worse and worse at La Pew Apts"

I save the notices that management puts under our door, and I intended to bring them with me to the library today, but I can barely think with what's going on there. So, I will go by memory with the notices and bring you up to date.

Paraphrase of Management Notices received under door ( and my comments included as "a.n." which means author's note)

Approx. April 1 we received the following notice

-"Sometime between April 3 and April 5, someone will come by to measure your cupboards. Don't call the office to find out the day or time, we don't know" (author's note-nobody ever did show up to measure the cabinets)

-Note given on Approx. April 4 (they don't date their notes, and some of my notices get stolen before I ever see them)

"Come to office, to sign a new form needed" (a.n.-It's a full time job trying to survive these conditions. Sometimes they give us notes every day for weeks, forcing us to keep them in our consciences all of the time)

-Approx. April 25

"Rehabbing of all apartments will begin around April 28. Do not call the office to inquire about dates or times, we don't know" (author's note-So, looks like we have to be on guard from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. monday thru friday for months? No privacy. What kind of rehabbing are they going to be doing? Will they just walk in on me? Well, I can't leave for a job or other personal reasons because there is more of a likelilhood I'll be robbed. This means maint. (the thieves) are going to be letting in the contractors. What's this going to mean, noise wise? The noise is already unbearable, both in and outside of the bldg)

Since April 28th ish (for almost 4 weeks) There has been a cacophony of drilling and hammering and yelling from early morning until up to 6 p.m. Unbearable. They've been in the apt. above me for weeks now.

Note given under door around May 15th:

Come to the community room at 10 a.m. or 4 p.m. to find out more about the rehab. (author's note-yeah right, they wait weeks to tell us what's going on. I'll bet it won't be very informative, but I'll go anyway)

So, I go to the meeting and arrive at 4:07 p.m. Many things have already been discussed it turns out. 90% of the attendees are talking over the manager, so I can barely hear a thing. Anyhow, one woman raised her hand to ask a question and the manager, G. replied: "I'm not telling you, because you arrived 5 minutes late for this meeting"

I raised my hands and asked 2 questions:

"When I moved in I found a sea of dead roaches and mice droppings under the kitchen sink and in the wood seams. Will this be thoroughly cleaned before the new cupboards are put in?"

"Yes, replied the contractor, we always clean that before putting in the new cupboards"

(author's note-No you don't, I thought, because P., a fellow resident, showed me the finished product of his cupboards. I looked under his sink, and the mouse droppings and dead bugs were still there)

Then I asked: "So, what days will you be in my apt.?"

G-"I don't know" (she replied at the verbal speed of an auctioneer) Maybe end of next week"

Authors Note

(This is so damn disrespectful. And this is the way La Pew has done business for the entirety of the 3 years, suggesting that poor people don't deserve privacy or respect)


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