Saturday, September 6, 2008

"The subject of memory is very interesting to me"

Have you heard about this woman Jill Price? She was featured on the Oprah show. She's known as A.J. and has put out a book entitled "The Woman who can't forget. She has a syndrome called hyperthymestic syndrome. Poor woman hasn't forgotten anything that has happened to her or in the world since she was 14 years old. she was born in 65, me in 63. I started reading the book last night. I don't own it, I sat in Greetings and REadings last night reading it.

Diane has always told me she is blown away by my memory. Memory is a fascinating subject. Diane remembers details of us in the 8th grade, I can't. But, here's how my memory works. Last week, I was in the Boston Market. A woman turned around and I knew her face instantly.(she is 47) She said: "can anyone use a coupon" I said "Yes, and you went to rand high"

She said "yes, who are you"

I told her.

I asked her her last name



What's your first name

"Ray ellen"

"What class are you"


But my sister was 82"

her name is wendy"

"mmm i said, wendy was friends with stacy needle, who's father was friend's with my father when i was in elementary school, that's why you look so familiar.........................."


Back to the book the woman who can't forget

Quote by Jill Price

"Imagine if someone had made videos of you from the time you were a child following you all around day by day and then combined them all onto one dvd and you sat in a room and watched that dvd on a machine set to shuffle randomly through all the tracks..........................."

Another excerpt from the book

"Why is it that solitary confinement without labor is regarded as the severest form of imprisonment? It is because the lonely victim can find nothing to do but remember. And this incessant remembering has often proved more than the mind could bear.

Reverand Coe

"The Memory of the Lost"

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