Monday, April 13, 2009

20/20 t.v. show special "If I Only had a gun"

Did you see this special?! Wow! The gun issue is one I think of often since I'm surrounded by the constant threat of violence. According to the show there are 250 million guns in the U.S. There was a 7 year old boy on the show from some real small town in FL. He was interviewing adults on gun violence and implored Obama to save his town. The boy and 20/20 did a visit to the boy's elementary school which was 100% (just about) African-American.

The stats in the school were something to the effect of:

40% knew someone who had been murdred by a gun and 60% had witnessed a shooting! (Don't quote me on this stat. this is a rough stat.)

130,000 people in the u.s. have been killed by guns in the past 10 years.

80 Americans are killed a day by guns

20/20 gave a man 5k and one hour to see how many guns he could buy. He bought more than a handful with no background check by going to a gun show. His sister was murdred in the VA Tech massacre.

(My father kept a handgun in the drawer next to his bed)

20/20 discovered that even though the parents didn't realize it, most kids, even little kids know where there parents keep the handgun. Most people even with a gun, are unable to protect themselves in an emergency. Personally I'm even afraid to use mace for this reason.

Many men in my bldg. own guns for "protection"

Years ago I had some loose affiliation with MAHA. Marylanders Against Handgun Abuse.

What do you think about this issue of it being so easy for anyone to obtain a gun?

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