Friday, November 7, 2008

I wrote this on 11/3 "The latest at La Pew

Remember the maintenance men who regularly stole from me from 6/05 to about 7/08? One left and was replace by another who then got fired. Now that one who got fired struck me as pretty scary as well. I was afraid to have him in my apt.

That one that was fired was replaced by another was who I wasn't afraid to have in my apt. But I just found out that he was also fired because he has a long criminal history. So as far as I can tell if you want to increase your chances of getting hired as a custondian or maintenance man here at La Pew I advise you to heef up your criminal record/resume.

11/7 update

Twisted update/irony

O.K. folks, I have a very sad and scary update. Sad and scary for me that is. 1 p.m. afternoon after we are all basking in Obama's win and I see the old maintenance man in the yard! WHAT THE FU--?! YES! THEY HIRED BACK THE ONE THAT STOLE THE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OF STUFF FROM ME! so I am back in major crisis again, having to hide my belongings around the house, and such. And I have just discovered (but I don't know who did it) that another book of new stamps has been stolen from my apt.) So, I've got to up my housing search again.....................................................

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