Monday, February 9, 2015

looking back at February the 9th 2004

at the time I was earning about $500 a month from Social Security income. I had managed to find a place to live for 3 months where I could barter off for rent this would theoretically mean that I would have money to get my car back on the road. But no such luck

The following is a direct account from my journal 11 years ago... "I just received a letter from Social Security disability this is unbelievable abuse. The letter states that they will be reducing my March check by $230 then they state they will be reducing my money even further by taking another $100 off the total. My understanding is that if they're going to reduce me to 230 and then reduce me again by a hundred then I'll be earning $130 a month.they are putting me in a situation where I will not be able to pay the full rent to my landlord any longer...

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