Saturday, February 2, 2013

"Criminal history in mountain town"

I was wondering if everyone in mountain town had a criminal hx.  Certainly, the folks i encountered at the soup kitchen, shelter, library and buses talked about their histories.

I googled the subject and although i found out there is a definite criminal element, i could not gain any real stats.

The other day however i happened upon a program on N.P.R. where it was stated that 1 out of every 5 Americans has a criminal background!

The show stressed that some of it was stuff like being in possession of small amounts of illegal substances.

But they interviewed a woman who at one time had prostituted.  She could not gain any jobs that required a background check.  I found many years ago, that if one has bad credit or a history of homelessness they (me) ought not even bother applying for jobs that require a background check!

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