Saturday, April 26, 2008

"A long lost goal"

I'm reminded of the goal occasionally, when I meet Latinos in restaurants or on bus stops. The goal was to become fluent in Spanish. Certainly getting a nanny job it Texas or California would increase my chances of reaching that goal.

I'm doing this posting for your hopeful amusement.

There was a Latino couple at the bus stop today and the wife was scratching off what looked like a lottery ticket.

I just HAD to practice my broken Spanish!


(they don't seem to understand immediately!)

"TU ES RICO!?" I asked.

They both smile and laugh.

Then I say:

"USTEDES SON RICOS! " (you are rich!) (I proclaim proudly, certain that I have it right this time)

They know very little English, which is true for most of the Latinos I meet.

Three teen girls drive by with windows down, in a celebratory spirit. One looks at the handsome husband and says in a flirtatious tone:


I wave. Then I tell them in slow deliberate English: "She is flirting with you!"

The wife asks what? (que or como, i can't remember which)

I do some "sign language" explaining in Spanish that I used to teach English to Latinos. I motion a flirty motion and then I say: "Eso is "flirting" en Ingles" (the word is flirting in English)

"Que es la palabra por "flirting" in Espanol?" I ask.

The wife says: "ME GUSTA!"

Oh, I reply, "I like you"

She asks me where I used to teach English and I can't remember the name of the center in Fells Point, so I just say "fells point." "No recuerdo la nombre de la edificio" (I can't remember the name of the building)

do you know "fells point?" I ask.

"No", she said.

"Es en calle Broadway" I explain. (It's on Broadway Street)

Oh si! ( she knows Broadway street)

We board the bus, and I get off for the Spring festival. "ADIOS!" I pronounce. "ADIOS" they reply. (I'm on my way to try out the Towson University Spring Festival, because it's not as grueling a bus ride as the ride to the Johns Hopkins Spring Fair)

I hope you enjoyed the above anecdote.

Habla espanol?


Anonymous said...

Interesting anecdote Elana!!! it is very nice to meet American people like you that want to speak Spanish fluently: we are in the same ship!

Mucho gusto en conocerte.
Katya Cordero

Anonymous said...

Si, yo hablo espanol tambien.

Muy bien, Elana.

Me gusta leer las cuentas en tu blog.

(I like reading the stories on your blog)


elana r. snyder said...

you didn't even need to translate that into English :-)