Thursday, February 25, 2010

"I forgot to feel afraid"

During the blizzards (i really should post my blizzard diary) everytime I needed to walk from room to room I'd carry my set of keys! (boy, that elana is a strange one) Why?

Because the keys have my only working flashlight on them.(I have a real flashlight but i can't seem to get the batteries loaded in such a way that the flashlight will do me any good) since i don't use candles, i needed to be prepared in the event that the utilities should go out which bge said was a good likelihood.

But, I forgot to be afraid. And until 30 min. ago, I kinda "forgot" that strong winds (i hear 65 mph tonight) can shut everything off too!

So, I'm eating my dinner and the lights are flickering off and on and I go find my keys and realize I need to start carrying them from room to room with me again. even to the bathroom? yup, fraid so.


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