Wednesday, March 28, 2012

"For Female eyes ONLY"

I've had to devote my entire day to scoring maxi pads , the honest way. It certainly is easy to see why some desperate people elect to steal. It sure is a whole hell of a lot quicker then my honest way.

My cell phone 411 service is a pain in the ass because it's voice recognition only, and it never gets it right.

how am i going to survive til pay day without what I need.

I started by calling the 411 directory to ask for the # to the soup kitchen.

Me. _ "Mountain Town Soup Kitchen"

411-did you say "M.T. Interior Design?"

"what city"

me "mountain town , southwest"

411-"did you say st. louis missouri

411 "try again" "what is the category"


411-"did you say flooring?"

I go on a search for the phone book. I find the # to the soup kitchen, and then rehearse what I'm going to say.

I got voice mail, no one has called me back. "Hi, this is elana, a diner at the s.k. You helped me one time before with this but I don't know how you did. I have no money for sanitary napkins, and perhaps smeone has donated you some?  Please call me back."

Next, I get on the bus, and I see my lovely new friend. I tell her all the things I've done to score napkins. She's surprised at what life is like. I decide I have no choice but to do a walk in at the clinic.

bUT i can't tell the secretaries why I'm doing a walk in, because they'll refuse me. I'll just have to say that it's related to periods.

One hour later the bus gets me to the clinic. A patient and I share horror stories about the clinic's unprofessional service and I explain why I will no longer be receiving medical care there.

I walk into the clinic and the only persn "receiving" is the bitch Marsha* Well, that's not going to work. Maybe I should just ask women in the bathroom if they have any pads.

I tell a very kind employee in the bathroom about my predicament. I suggest she goes over to obgyn and see if she can score me some.........She goes in the back and scores me 3.

I walk tomy neighbor. She's not home, but her strung out roomate who I've never met, was kind enough to give me another 3!

Well, I have 1.50 in cash and one dollar in my check account. I think I can buy a small coffe, I haven't had anything to eat today.

I could go over to soup kitchen for dinner but most times it's too repulsive tasting and sometimes I leave with a sick stomach. I opt to skip food today until after the free voice lesson I scored.

At home I have almond butter, white bread, and one can of amy's soups as well as eggs. I will likely survive this too, seems I always do.

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