Saturday, June 1, 2013

"Outpatient Surgery"

So, they removed my toenail a week ago and it still hurts really bad.  I had to call urgent care 2 more times and I called my n.p. 3x.  I saw my np yesterday and she said the toe does not look good so she is doubling the antibiotics.

I was only given enough painkillers to last 3 days. I was SHOCKED that Dr.'s here gave me painkillers for that, but not for the pain that I go through every day of my life with fibromyalgia and lyme. She said that if the redness spreads I need to go back to urgent care this weekend.  Then she wants to see me again on Monday.

What I learned on internet is that if you remove a toenail from a person who has diabetes, it can be dangerous.  I am pre diabetic.  I am worried that I'll lose a toe or worse, even though nobody has outright told me that would be a risk.

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