Wednesday, June 5, 2013

"Sick on top of sick"

I've been "away" for 4 days because I have been sick on top of sick.  Since the toe surgery, I've had 3 urgent care visits, one visit with my n.p., and have made maybe 4 calls to on call physicians.  On Sat. I looked at the toe in a public bathroom and (because of the lighting) it looked purple.

I called on call and she told me to go to the e.r. right away..

me-Well, I can't take the bus because it stops running in an hour.

her-Well that gives you an hour

me-no it doesn't, the next one won't come by for an hour (I feel really talked down to, she doesn't know the bus schedule)

me-I'll just hitchhike to the e.r. or call an ambulance.

her-can't your friend or family member take you

me-there is not anyone who can give me a ride

her-well I don't want you to hitchhike or take ambo. Just call a taxi and pay with your credit card!

me-I don't have a credit card, I can always go tomorrow

her-No, you need to go now

(I hung up)  Walked to the shop center and asked 2 persons if they were going my way.  The second one said they would, I told them I am ordered to the e.r.

I get to the urgent care and the dr. looks at the toe and says "looks fine to me!"

(my n.p. on the other hand says "things don't look good")

Get out of urgent care and ask 7 people before I find anyone who will give me a ride to the bus stop.

One woman said no and then went on to lecture me:

"It's 3/4 mile, there is no reason on earth why you can't walk that!"

(if it's so easy, I wonder, then why is she driving?)

She went on to say "When I was a child I walked that route everyday"  At this point her husband comes out and probably is thinking "Who is this weirdo I married?"


By Monday

I am naucious, too weak to get out of bed, violent sore throat, bad acid reflux bad headache, and stomach cramps on top of the usual health mess.  So, it didn't really matter that I had no food in the house because I was afraid to eat anything.

Tues  I left the house because I knew I needed to pay rent.  But I was back home after 3.5 hours

weds.  Still exhausted, but it turned out had no fever even though I was sweating a lot.

On 2 different antibiotics for the toe but it still hurts

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