Saturday, June 1, 2013

"Wall Street Journal 5/29/13 Pedestrian Superhero"

I really enjoyed this article about the Mexican guy who dresses like a superhero and protects pedestrians from all sorts of evils.  If there are no white lines painted as a cross walk then he paints them.  If vehicles are parked on sidewalks he moves them.

It definitely makes me smile, but it is a very serious issue both there and in the U.S.    I only see it getting worse.

Now that people are texting and driving  1500 super rams, the "ram" ifications of a driver hitting a pedestrian are even worse then before.  The police don't care and are in fact a part of the problem.

Just this morning I was nearly hit by 2 vehicles who drove into the ped walkway even tho' I had the right of way.  I yelled as loud as I could because the one driver had his window up.

I said: HEY YOU WAIT, I HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY! He heard me and came to a sudden stop.  He had not even seen me.

The only answer is to buy a car.

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