Saturday, December 28, 2013

"Attempting to "cope" with the holiday season"

Well, first of all, if one solely had to cope with 3 days; thanksgiving day, xmas day and new years day then no sweat.  But coping with more then 8 weeks of holiday crap (starting of course the day after Halloween) is more then a challenge.

I coped very well until 12/24.  The way I cope with holidays is to  remind myself (psych myself up) that my life is crap year round not just on holidays so "keep it in perspective!"

  I tried to buy food for 2 days since the bus would not b running.  But my card was declined and all I had at home was oatmeal.  That is when the depression set in.  Someone put a candle in a bag on my porch it appeared to be an anon. gift.  I saw no card.  When I went to recycle the gift bag I saw in tiny print, the names of the givers:  larry and liz*

Synchronistically, it was from the same store as the last time I got an anon gift on my porch in June.  A woman put 2 bottles of scented lotions (on the ground!) not even in a bag,  on my porch.

When I figured out it was from Larry and Liz  (my married acquaintances) I thought to myself about all the "gifts" I have gotten over the years from folks who barely know me, and have no clue what would b an appropriate gift!

 I also thought about how much more meaningful it would have been to have them spend time with me or take me to lunch!

Since I am food insecure I called the shop hoping I could get cash back.  I told the clerk that  I need food more then I need a candle.  She said the only option is to exchaNGE it for something in the store, which I will eventually do. (There may be chocolate lotions but I would not recommend eating them)

As always every year you have cashiers and baristas ask you what you will do for the holdidays, then right after they ask "how was your Christmas?"

I told them I do not celebrate-which is only a partial truth. The ten bucks barista was shocked when I told her I didn't do anything, obviously she has not been around many jews!   If I get invited to join up with a family I would happily celebrate xmas.

So, I slept, watched t.v., ate oatmeal, and read:

on the internet, on my phone.

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