Tuesday, December 3, 2013

"Breaking the Faith"

I hate that this show doesn't start until 11 p.m.  But it is really incredible with high drama.  I'm holding my breath when these girls are trying to make their escapes!  So as we know 3 girls got out, one went back, and then a new girl got out this past Sunday.

I read Carolyn Jessop's bio a few years ago so it's a nice surprise to see she is running the safe house.  Which sadly for now may b discovered.

I'm proud of the girls for attempting a more normal life.  No doubt Martha is the most courageous and least scared.

I will be holding my breath until the next episode.

I know first hand about indoctrination because I was a chandelier swinging born again for 5 years.  I used to bring tracts to the office I worked at and leave them in the bathroom.

I'm surprised I changed my views from born again to Atheist.

wow, wishing the girls the best.

1 comment:

Chrissy"The Architect"Castro said...

Two of those girls are complete hypocrites, esp. the one that likes the Cody kid! She talks about how bad the one with her hair out of place is and the other that wants to completely transition! Why did those two girls even leave the "Crick" if they don't want to even attempt to learn about the real world! They should be appreciative to those young men that rescued them from being servants to a faith that is a cult in the worst sense of the word! I would rather be an Apostate than a servant to an old man with multiple wives! Also, believe me FLDS followers the Native Americans probably don't even know you exist and they surely aren't going to come after you for any reason (Let alone for not wearing white underwear)! Use common sense, I mean this isn't the damn 1700's ladies! That is a very ignorant statement to say the very least! Mormon religion (in any form) is a joke and how you can say you follow Jesus Christ is garbage! FLDS, your profit is a child molester, rapist, and sick pervert and he should not be allowed to run anything from prison! The whole point of prison is that you have lost your rights as a citizen of this country! The world would be a far better place if the Government would do all these young men and women of the FLDS a favor and abolish it!