Tuesday, December 3, 2013

"Paul Walker"

I hope I got that first name right.  I did not know him, nor did I see any of his work.  But there has been a great deal of t.v. coverage of his life and death.

He seems like a wonderful human being, and that is indeed a very sad ending. (dying in a firey car crash)

I ronically he died doing what he loves.

But sadly, not just for him and the driver but for everyone on the road: that the driver was selfish enough to put so many lives at risk by engaging in drag racing.  What we know for sure is that the driver was going at least 100 in a 45 zone.

It really is a selfish act and so many others could have been hurt and killed as well.  And what I remember from living in Carroll County is that many if not most people engage in deadly driving practices which I consider very selfish (such as texting and driving, and road raging)

If your interested, there was a good Dr. PHil show where he takes on the subject of young people who threaten everyones life when they drag race.

Anyhow all the best for his friends and family.

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