Saturday, January 3, 2015

today's funny section in the paper

p eanuts cartoon

Lucy 2 Snoopy - if you sit there much longer the snow is going to cover you up

it is snowing hard and Snoopy is getting more and more covered up

Lucy to Snoopy - crazy dog

Snoopy's thought bubble - I'm not crazy I'm just withdrawing from the world

I can really relate to this because in the last couple of months between the sleep deprivation and health issues I have withdrawn more and more from the world. Today is my first day out in 4 days

The last time I was inside for 4 days were very traumatic conditions which I probably posted on my blog somewhere. It was in Hampstead Maryland and we were in a record-breaking snowstorm if I had a proper camera I would have photographed the fact that when you open the front door snow was all the way up to my chest. Maintenance did not come today I'll sell and I had no phone service and no television and no way of communicating with the outside world, except when you have a landline you can call 911. I called 911 and I explained my situation and they told me that I was just simply going to have to wait. I was absolutely terrified because I was running out of food and had no idea of when maintenance was going to clear everything. I'm at the point where I just don't really think I can live in a town that has a winter time. I'm really jealous of Dan he lives in his summer home in Florida for the entire winter every year. As you know I'm in acquaintance with many extremely wealthy people who were born into extreme wealth and never had to worry they in their life

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