Monday, July 28, 2008

"Getting There"

The MTA has continued to be a living hell. I would describe 4 of my last 6 trips to be "traumatic" Friday, my driver fell asleep at the wheel. That's right. Took a catnap at a red light, and didn't wake up when it turned green. I was the only one who noticed.

Saturday morning, the driver was driving 10 miles an hour (where as typically they do about 55-60 in a 30 mile zone and then slam on the brakes ever 2 blocks) and then just sitting at green lights for 10 minutes and doing nothing while his eyes look heavy.

Thurs. morning, a total anomaly of a female driver greeted ever passenger with "good morning." I was the only white on the bus. I couldn't get a seat. 2 teen girls thought that hilarious and made fun of me with loud raucous laughter that rang out for 8 blocks. In a shocking move of compassion, the driver yelled back:


Now you and I both know that there is no such rule as No laughing in the world of adults. But I was so moved by her compassion and intuition that when i deboarded I loudly proclaimed,


Normally, for me thanking the driver feels like quite an effort, but this was the first time a driver ever tried to protect me from the sting of reverse racism that is ever so common on the MTA


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