Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"What are the chances of that?!"

So, I'm in the auto shop and the guy in front of me in line is about 60 and hilarious!. Seems like a really fun person. Was talking about NJ. I said I found it a confusing place to drive in.

Guy says he's originally from Northwest. I said: "Give it to me straight, where are you from?" I smiled and said I was from Randallstown.

He asked where specifically? I told him I had 4 addresses because my parents kept moving. I told him I used to live in Kings Park Estates. He replied: "My father and I installed the bar in your basement!"

I never saw my parents drink, but isn't that neat? So, anywho this guy says he's a coin dealer. I ask him if he knew my birthmother's late husband who was into coins. Oh yea, I knew him for 40 years. He was a "shmaltz" (did he say that? some yiddish word) I instinctively could have guessed what it meant even though I didn't meet mike too many times.

Guy said Yeah Mike couldn't get anything done. Never really did anything. I said my birthmother felt trapped in the marriage. Trapped?! he said? Mike would never stop anybody from doing anything!

There was more to this conversation then I can put on a blog, but it was really fun and I learned some things too.

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