Thursday, October 30, 2014

10/17/2005 journal entry" living" in section 8 baltimore

I didn't have any money to purchase a journal or notebook so  my friend John M gave me this new notebook that he happened to have lying around  in his office.  (sometimes he sees me go without food for days so he gives me 3 dollars so I can go get a hotdog he feels so sorry for me.)

 Day 6 migraine

 Jay (who works at Trader Joes grocery demo bar) and I decide to meet up at Barnes and Noble bookstore.

 I'm penniless and am forced to go to the t.j. demo bar for 4 ounces of coffee and a sample of something healthy.   He had a Starbucks gift card so we decided to walk down to the York Road Starbucks at Bosley Road in Towson where we could use it.

He commented on what he assumed were my "friends" who greeted me when I was at the demo bar.  I'm blown away at all the friends that you have!  I mean that's just the friends who had the chance meetings with you at the demo bar too!"

 He said he hasn't had that many friends in his whole life! (These folks are largely what I would consider to be more then an acquaintance but usually less then a friend)
Earlier  I  walked almost 5 miles (unsuccessfully) looking for a free phone, having no luck finding one.   I worry that I will have to walk another 2 miles home after our meeting since I have no money for gas for my Mercury and no money for a bus pass. 

.Jay asked me how much I needed for the bus and I told him I need 60 cents. He said "Why don't you just take $2.65.

 So I replied "AWESOME!   that'll buy tomorrow's bus pass TOO.

Turns out that the  coin box is broken so I ended up getting to ride for free.  Hmmm;  that means by Saturday I'll have 2.65!  Over the course of the next  18 hours I would feel tortured over how to spend the money. Should I buy a box of flavored oatmeal OR should I buy 2 day passes at $1.20 each OR should I put $2.65 in my gas tank? (this is the reality of  day to day life in urban poverty.)

authors note (I believe financial inequity is why so many Americans are so angry and that it encourages violence.  after all, I just ran into an acquaintance today who said that her 300,000 inheritance is coming any day now.  11/2014  women love to rub it in my face that life is to just be sailed through)

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