Monday, May 21, 2012

"Are you reading out of my journal?"

I've heard David Sedaris due his comedic shtick twice now on npr, (different ones) and I thought, this guy thinks like I do, he might as well have been reading from my journal.  Yesterday, I heard him do a shtick on waiting in line at the Starbucks. 

He waits at least 10 minutes because the customers in front of him, want to discuss their families, world events, etc.  It was hilarious to listen to.  I was just telling my friend who works at Starbucks (she was on the bus) that, "All the Starbucks employees KNOW not to ask me about my day or what I'll be doing that day"

For one thing, I have no pat answers and I don't like small talk.  Secondly, it would mean that I am contributing to holding up the line, and I don't want to do that either.

One of the Starbucks that gets a lot of tourists, I had to stop going in there because I had to listen to each rich tourist dissertation on where they are going on vacation, how it was, and how beautiful life is.  On top of that I had to listen for nearly a year to the clerk

"Oh My god like totally, Im getting married I'M GETTING MARRIED!  LOOK AT MY AMAZING ENGAGEMENT RING!  And like my parents are paying for us to go to Barbados!"  I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo  BLESSED!"

Well, you get the idea.  It's easy to see why the social classes rarely mix.  I mean unless the richer class is going to share with the lower classes, who wants to listen to or celebrate their beautiful homes, beautiful husband, 4x a year vacation minimum, and that their daddy buys them a new car every 2 years.!


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