Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Review of the book "Ordinary Man"

I just completed reading: "An Ordinary Man."

  I was not aware of the massacre in Rwanda when it was happening because I had just fallen homeless in Melbourne, AUS.

.  I haven't seen "Hotel Rwanda" and wonder how you make a movie about a genocide given the gruesome way the murders were carried out. Paul Russussebegina has many beautiful character traits, and he reminds me of Sidney Poitier and the book "Measure of a Man" It's really cool and amazing that a man who did not have a social work or psychology degree had so many amazing relationship skills. These skills are what kept him and so many others alive during the massacre. I could relate to the book on many levels

. I do know what it's like to be wrongly imprisoned (not all prisons have obvious bars)  like Paul and the refugees were in the hotel. I also know what it's like to reach out to so many organizations for help during the violence and have them be 100% unresponsive.

  Even Amnesty International didn't help me in the way they said they would, they never even returned my phone calls. 

It took me many years to work up the guts to read about what happened in 94 in Rwanda. I briefly met the author at a book signing in Baltimore.

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