Tuesday, June 3, 2008

health update/la pew apts. update

just typed a really long update for you, hit publish post, and it didn't work. so here we go, starting all over again.

health update

You already know that due to the noise pollution in my bldg. and in my environs, that I can't sleep much. I took elavil to catch up on my sleep last sunday , 10 days ago. I took it 3 nights in a row, but it's not something i use on a regular basis. The first 2 days after I took it, i had severe hand and head tremors.

Days 3 thru 6, I'm having round the clock, what i believe to be is tardive dyskinesia. uncontrolled movements of the lips, tongue, mouth (extreme in the way that would be very socially disruptive, if one had a social life) and pray that it doesn't become permanent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes that is called tardive dyskinesia......

I hope its gone now.

Sad news here, call me later this week and I'll tell ya.
