Friday, June 1, 2012

"I hope you dance"

I will NEVER pass up a chance to dance.  Yesterday, I happened upon a free polka concert.  The organizer tried to organize a bunch of people willing to do the chicken dance.  I still recall seeing it on the Flintstones.  No males wanted to partake.

There were 2 other songs I danced to, for the most part, few were willing to dance.  I was the only adult willing to dance the Hava Nagilah.  (I'm sure if it were Baltimore or N.Y.C. there would be plenty of Jewish folks willing to dance the H.N.) There were already about 5 preschoolers free style dancing on the stage.  I had them form a circle, and then I improvised what I could recall from the Hava Nagilah.

Would you like to dance?  ;)

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