Wednesday, December 12, 2007

"Iraqis return home" Baltimore Sun/"Baltimore to Baghdad" 11/4/07

The part of the title "Baltimore to Baghdad" I made up. The rest of the title, "Iraqi's return home" was the title of the article in the balto. sun on 11/4/07.  

Those are the articles that I will papaphrase and then give my own comments. This particular article was about Iraqi's who feel safe enough to return to their communities. I often notice parallels between foreign cities and U.S. cities. In this particular article a woman from Baghdad made a comment that might as well have been made by a Baltimorean! Here goes:

"Six months ago, I wouldn't dare be outside, not even to stand near the garden gate by the street. Killings had become so routine I stopped going to work I was so afraid."

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