Saturday, December 1, 2007

"A Special Place in my heart for The Waldorf School of Baltimore"

I didn't expect it to mean as much as it did. But Becky picked me up today to go to the craft fair at The Waldorf School of Baltimore. You know Balto. is a very miserable and mean place. But there are pockets, pockets of community that you step into and it's literally like a different world! (I wasn't aware that I had any more sense of community left until today) I've been loosely affiliated with The Waldorf since about 97 or 98.

In May 98, I was hired to care for some Waldorf students while the parents learned the Lazure (sic) technique of painting/decorating. I admit, I was a little jealous! While I had the children at the community pool, reams of parents and staff  were literally painting the walls of the school. But not just any paint. The school's walls look like the sky at sunset. It's so incredibly beautiful. So the minute Becky and I entered the fair today and I saw the lobby walls, I was reminded of the part I played at Waldorf. But what surprised me even more was, it seemed like I knew everybody and everybody knew me, like a huge reunion.

. Now I can't remain in Baltimore just because I had this experience today, but it's a little reminder that: in select situations I really thrive especially when  I'm" in my element." (you need a car to work at Waldorf) From the moment I set foot in a Waldorf school 10 years ago, I've been encouraging parents to take the tour and consider sending their kids there.

  It's all about "energy" I say. And Balto. in general has a toxic energy which fuels me to feel desperate to get out. Have you every noticed that different communities have different energies? Different schools have different energies. In many public schools the children are seemingly  "whipped" into submission, whereas in other schools the kids are just thriving!

You may remember from an earlier blog post  that I was a substitute teacher in a Waldorf inspired home school in 2002. There is a positivity in some of the private schools that i have found to  be very difficult to find in many public schools and daycare centers. 

As I continue my search for the right town and a healthy place to live, perhaps I'll try to live in the vicinity of a Waldorf School.

Check it out sometime, I think it's:

or you could just google "waldorf school"

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